Prepared by: IRCIEF

 IMG 2234

International Research Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance (IRCIEF) in collaboration with Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) had organized the 2016 Quarterly Islamic Finance Public Lecture IRCIEF-IRTI on 11 August 2016 at Auditorium Dr. Zainuddin Jaffar, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS). The event was attended by more than 400 participants from various institutions of higher learning, representatives from Islamic financial institutions, government officials, and students. This event has marked its own history where the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi was the guest of honour, who stepped foot in KUIS for the first time.

The public lecture entitled "Way Forward to Waqf University" was delivered by Tan Sri Muhammad Ali bin Hashim, the President of Dewan Perniagaan Islam Malaysia cum Pengasas Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Bhd. He is also the founder of Awqaf Corporation who previously held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Johor Corporation.

The main objective of the event was to highlight KUIS aspiration in achieving waqf university status. It was also to inform the audience on the efforts made so far as well as the future plans in making the aspiration a success.

The program began with the recitation of du’a led by Ustaz Nushi Mahfodz followed by an opening speech by Yang Berbahagia Encik Abu Bakar Yang, the CEO of Perbadanan Waqaf Selangor. Among the attendees from the KUIS management team were Dr Zulkifli Abd Hamid, (Deputy Rector of Corporate Management (Development and Internalization); Dr. Mokmin Basri, Deputy Rector (Student Development and Alumni); En. Zulhizzam Hamzah, Registrar and Pn. Nor Hafizin Abdul Wahab, Treasurer.

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Universiti Islam Selangor (UIS) merupakan sebuah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Islam milik penuh Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS).